Below is a full supply list to help you find the products that I used with this makeover. Simply click on the products in the list if you need help finding where to purchase.
- Citri-Strip Orange Gel
- Disposable chip brushes
- Plastic Scrapper
- Paper Towels
- Denatured Alcohol
- Fine Steel Wool
- Odorless Mineral Spirits
- Java Gel Stain by General Finishes (or your favorite color)
- Wipe On Polyurethane
- 220 Grit Sandpaper
- Dust Free Cheese Cloth
- Makita Orbital Sander
- Sanding disc for Sander
It’s important to understand that everyone’s finish will be different. No two finishes look the same. You are the artist! Be patient with yourself and go over each step of the video as you begin. I personally learn better from repetition and having a video to replay and review can be a very helpful tool.
I know you can do this. As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at [email protected]
Happy painting! ♥