Below is a full supply list to help you find the products that I used with this makeover. Simply click on the products in the list if you need help finding where to purchase.
- Chest Of Drawers flat front
- White Lightning (Dixie Belle wood furniture cleaner)
- Tape Measure
- Circular Saw
- Speed Square
- MUD (Dixie Belle wood filler for holes)
- Blue Painters Tape
- R.A.D. Pads
- Surfprep Sanding System 3X4 Electric Ray
- BOSS (stain blocker)
- Tongue Depressors (for mixing paint products) aka craft sticks
- Chalk Mineral Paint Buttercream & Caviar
- Fine Mist Spray bottle (water for paint blending)
- Paintbrushes
- Hokus Pokus Transfer (Majestic Horse Charcoal)
- Flat Top Coat (Dixie Belle)
- Hardware Pulls card catalog
It’s important to understand that everyone’s finish will be different. No two finishes look the same. Be patient with yourself and go over each step of the video as you begin. I learn better from repetition and having a video to replay and review can be very helpful.
I know you can do this. As always, please feel free to reach out to me by email if you have any questions at [email protected]
Happy painting!
xo, Do