How To Build A Rustic Trellis For Your Clematis From Repurposed Branches

Posted in Gardening
DIY Clematis Trellis Ideas
How To Build A Rustic Trellis For Your Clematis From Repurposed Branches

Hey triple-D friends! I’ve been in the gardens again, and this time I’m making a rustic trellis for my new clematis plant to grow on. No store-bought trellises for me! With a few branches and a little imagination, you can create a stunning DIY rustic trellis for your clematis vines. Today I’m going guide you through each step of the process, from gathering your materials to watching your clematis flourish on its new trellis.

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DIY Rustic Garden Trellis

Repurposed branches can create a stunning focal point in your outdoor space. I’ve always loved creating with my hands, and this project does not disappoint if you love to garden. Seriously, you can’t mess this up!

I’ve created many trellises in my lifetime, but until now, I just never really felt like they were share-worthy. That’s until we moved back to the country, and I decided to create the gardens of my dreams. I’m in the beginning phases of revamping all of them and creating some new ones too, but I hope to continue to share more of the transformation of our property along the way.

The one thing to REMEMBER when building a rustic trellis is that you must use GREEN BRANCHES. The greener, the better. These branches were cut the same day that I built the trellis, and here’s why.

Green branches bend! I’ll explain more later in this post.

CLICK HERE for more rustic trellis ideas.

How To Make A Rustic Trellis


Here’s what you will need to make a rustic trellis for your garden vines.

Gather Your Materials

Before you start building the trellis, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. The good news is that you don’t need much to create this rustic DIY project. The main material you’ll need is green branches. You can collect these from your own backyard or woodland area or ask your neighbors if they have a tree that could use a little pruning.

Make sure the branches are strong and sturdy enough to serve as a rustic trellis. You’ll also need some basic tools, such as branch cutters, wire cutters, and pliers. Additionally, you’ll need some wire or zip ties to fasten the branches together. I used the tie wire I already had on hand. Well, I “borrowed it” from my hubby’s stash in the garage. 🙂 I do it all the time.

Once you have all your materials gathered, you’re ready to move on to preparing the branches.

Prepare the Branches

To ensure that your rustic trellis is strong and durable, it’s important to prepare the branches properly. Begin by assessing each branch to make sure they are sturdy enough to bear the weight of your climbing plants. Branches with cracks or weak spots should be avoided as they might break under pressure.

Next, use pruning shears to trim away the additional small growth from your chosen branches. Make sure that they are all cut to about the same length to maintain symmetry and balance in your trellis.

Once your branches are prepped and ready to go, it’s time to assemble them into a trellis structure. This is where your tools and fastening materials come into play. With a few simple steps, you can create a beautiful and rustic trellis that will support your vines and add that rustic charm to your garden space.

Assembling Rustic Arched Trellis

Now that you have the necessary branches, tools, and fastening materials, it’s time to assemble your trellis. Begin by laying out your branches on a flat surface to visualize the structure and ensure that it is symmetrical.

I started with 2 similar in size branches and laid them together with the smaller ends overlapping each other. These two branches will be the arch for the trellis. Secure the two branches together at the smaller ends with your wire.

It may take some practice to be able to tie the branches together, but it’s not hard once you get the hang of it. Make sure that the wire is twisted tight around the branches.

It’s important to note that you should avoid nails and screws, as they may split the branches and compromise the integrity of the trellis. If you choose to use wire or twine, make sure to tie the branches together tightly to prevent them from shifting or pulling apart over time.

Now you can begin constructing the arch for the trellis.

Branch Trellis
How To Make A Rustic Trellis Out Of Tree Branches

Creating An Arched Trellis

When building an arched trellis by oneself, necessity is the mother of invention, and I am the Queen of doing just that!

Don’t laugh! It actually worked out pretty well. After assembling the main branches for the arch, I used two 5-gallon buckets and a tree (to lean against) to form the arch. It would have been super helpful if I had had an extra set of hands, but I didn’t. It’s like bending wet wood but easier.

The next step is to start securing the branches together with the tie wire. I’ve seen others use twine or zip ties, but I prefer the wire. I feel I can secure the branches together better using this method, and I believe it makes a sturdier trellis. I used two arched pieces for extra strength.

The branches will dry out over time, and the wire will hold them in place more securely. You can even go back after they have dried and tighten them if needed.

DIY Arch Trellis For Climbing Plants

Creating A Rustic Trellis Design With Branches

Next, to secure the arches together, use branches as cross pieces to create the shape you want. The length of the branches and the arch will determine the height of your rustic trellis. Use the same method with the tie wire to secure them in multiple places for strength.

Once you have your first cross piece in, you can start adding branches to give your rustic trellis a design that you love. Mine is fairly random.

DIY Natural Branch Trellis

I continued to add random branches, intertwining them together and securing them with wire until I was happy with my design.

DIY Arch Trellis For Climbing Plants

As you go along assembling your trellis, take breaks to step back and assess your progress. This will help you make any necessary adjustments and ensure that the trellis remains balanced and level. Once you have finished connecting the branches, give the trellis a final once-over to check for any loose branches or fasteners.

Secure Your Trellis To The Ground

Now that you have repurposed branches to build a rustic trellis for your garden, it’s essential to keep it secured in place.

I chose to use an above the ground method to secure the trellis in my garden. Doing it this way will keep the branches from decaying in the ground and preserve the life of my trellis.

You can use heavy-duty garden stakes to secure the trellis too, but I had some leftover fence posts that worked well. Make sure whatever you use is deep enough in the ground that it will hold up the trellis and the vines that grow on them. Some vines can get pretty heavy when fully mature.

How To Secure A Garden Arch To The Ground

Next, use wire to tie the branches to your support posts. You can also attach the trellis to a nearby wall for additional support if need be. This one isn’t going anywhere!

Additionally, check the trellis regularly and make sure it’s still in good condition. Replace any broken parts or reattach any loose wires to prevent any accidents from happening. I’ll probably add to the structure of this trellis with additional branches before the vines become established. I was in a hurry to plant my clematis.

rustic trellis ideas

Watch Your Clematis Flourish On Your Natural Branch Trellis

Once you have your rustic trellis secured, grab your favorite vine and plant away! Now you can sit back and watch your trellis come to life.

This is my first time growing a clematis, but with proper care, I’m certain my clematis will thrive and provide a beautiful addition to my garden. I’m super excited!

If you’re planting a clematis, be sure to install the trellis first so that you won’t damage the vine during the installation.

rustic trellis made from branches

rustic trellis made from branches

Branch Trellis In A Pot (Glove Plant Support)

In addition, I had a lot of leftover branches, so I took a shot at creating a support structure for my zinnias in this large pot. I used the same method except without wire. What do you think?

Because the branches were green, I intertwined them by bending them together and shoving the arch pieces into the dirt along the sides of the pot. I can’t wait to see how this works out!

DIY Branch Trellis In A Pot

What a great day I had creating these rustic trellises with tree branches. I love the idea of sustainability, and using natural branches to create a support structure without killing a tree is everything to me. Am I a tree hugger??? You better believe it! In my younger days, I was a tree climber too. 🙂

Love this idea? Let me know in the comment section below, and feel free to share your gardening tips and tricks. What have you created in your garden that you could share with me and other fellow DIYers?

And don’t forget to share and PIN this idea on your favorite DIY Gardening board. Your future clematis plant will thank you for the support. 🙂 LOL

Until the next project… xo, Do



  1. I needed this idea Do! My zinnias are popping up and they will need the support. Thanks for sharing – pinned!

    1. Hey friend! It worked like a dream. I was just trimming branches to make another one this year. Unfortunately they don’t last all year but well into Fall. Love those zinnias.

  2. I’m doing this for my raised garden for my pole beans next year. I’m very happy that I will have plenty of limbs since I had to cut down mulberry tree starts out of my spruce trees.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Funny thing you mentioned this. I’m creating my raised garden beds for next year and that’s a great idea. Thank you for sharing. I’m excited! I’ll be sharing that project next Spring. 🙂

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